Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cold Summer Nights

Everything came back, all of the pain from the past. Thought of all of my Ex's and Almosts'. It's hard. It's painful. It's one of those days where you fell all the pain you've been hiding, compiled like a nifty program waiting to debug. Debug now, so errors will be gone. By then, the bitch will be totally back

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Funnest Day Ever

This is pretty much a photoblog entry. I love this reunion day. I just wish we were complete though.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's not always Rainbows and Butterflies.

It's compromise that moves us along. In life, we have to make sacrifices. Here I am again, trapped in a crossroad, without bare knowledge on which road to take. All I know is, I'm tired of the drama, the stress, and the intoxication being in a production brings.

It's my friends who motivate me to look forward to another party night. It's the laughter, it's the fun that makes me forget the exhaustion, the tipsiness my line of work brings.

I'm resigning from my production. I need to focus on the things that would be coming in the future. The spotlight in this business has too much glare. My reputation is something I wouldn't let be tarnished.

See you soon, Stellar. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

At a Loss

I’m seriously at a loss, of fucks, yes, of fucks I’m about to give to people. I’m starting to care less. I’m starting to be more inconsiderate of how people feel about me. I’m starting to see what I need to do for myself, more than what I need to do for others.

I’m seeing my future now. I see myself in my very own Advertising Agency. As the days pass, I’m more and more inclined to the Marketing Field. I wanted to be a free lance artist who stays at home and paints his life off. But this time I want to be practical. For someone who hasn’t even graduated yet, I’m kind of an ass to think of these things. But hey, I have to be practical. Even though I always win all the time. LOLJK.

I need to set things straight. I have to look forward to what this fucked up world will bring me.
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